Monday, December 12, 2011

Bedroom re-do!

I have been wanting to paint the master bedroom for a the past 5 yrs....but never seemed to get around to it.  A few weekends ago I took the bull by the horns....and not only painted...but made a new headboard as well.  The headboard was a piece of 5' x 3' plywood that I got the lumber yard to cut (hubby was away)...and I used about 200 glue sticks to apply nylon rope to it.  I did a little basket-weave pattern hoping the effect would be "wicker"....hmmm...

Here is the bedroom before....headboard during construction...and finished product! 
BEFORE (pale lilac walls...YUCK!!)

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Walls painted...headboard 1/2 done

Christmas stocking swap!

Stocking Stuffers!

Well, a while ago I participated in Aunt Pitty Pat's Christmas Stocking Swap....we had to create a Christmas Stocking for our partner...then stuff it full of treasures! I made my partner a stocking out of a wool sweater...and lined it with some fabric from my mum's old stash. The lace "cuff" was an embroidered pillow slip from my grandmother.

Tomorrow I'll post what I got from my partner!

Stocking Lining
Pillow-slip "cuff"
(Note how the fingernails match the bow...tee-hee!!)
My Stocking from a Sweater